Executive CNST-Profile©...

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by Dr. Peter Meier

CNST stands for scaling the local C=culture in view of its globalization to allow thinking globally while acting locally based on facing the N=necessity for the personal qualification of those concerned. Only if qualified for their stated enterprise, accordingly, can those participating in a Human System be focussed towards the lifefulfillment of those concerned. In order to sustain this basic quality in the cause of changing T=trends, a Management coherent to the thus understood system is required to shape the desired future for its participants. In the present trend that requires fast decisions taken with integrity in view of what is known to work with the people concerned. It must account for the real and virtual urbanization that turns the world into a global village. At the same time it must acknowledge the tribal nature of personal relationships. Since what is sustainable is universally relevant to people everywhere, a radical rethinking has to be initiated to make human systems in economy and politics ethically responsible. In short, the fact is our lives are fragmented by cultural differences, necessities, conflicting systems and ever faster changing trends. Those who have a profile that is sustainable enough to project a vision beyond the fragments, attract the power from others to become executives in a common project that leads into a future beyond present limitations:

What makes it mandatory to break out of the mere virtuality of visions and implemente them. What undealt with need makes us address the necessity beyond any reasonable doubt, even if there is no unnimity among others? How to reach our acquaintances and those we share tentative friendships with beyone mere self-congratulating duty. Jurors are the centrality to the system and be a nuissance to cheaters; therfore they deserve respect, but hot to the degree that corrupts them but rather appeals to their  intelligence to be aplied with integrity and commonsense. To tap into that, men must examine their impatinece, lazyness and ultimately their prejudice - and to confess where they are not sure and where there are discrepancies in evidence claimed to prove something to be true, and where the unmistakable turns out a misinterpreation as understandeable as it may be. Worst of all one has to learn to refrain to hate those who do not agree or refuse to accept the thus revealed mental processes foreign to them. To endure it all is what not just civic duty, but life is all about...

(v)=virtual, anything goes
l=meaning for life


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Your are asked to investigate your TPR=Total Physical Response to life in view of its fulfillment, and, if necessary reenact it  to remind yourself of its truth.


And that, because

- survival takes place in reality
- virtual pleasures cannot lead to satisfaction
- only the truth will set you free based on the fact

- that there is no truth in virtual reality, and
- since we are mortal, life without fulfillment
- does not make sense

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/vision/nec/challenge/not threat

14: And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God's purpose in this is that people should fear him.







Notwendigkeit: 10: I have thought about this in connection with the various kinds of work God has given people to do.

Wirtschaft, 9: What do people really get for all their hard work?

w=Wissenschaft, 11: God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. UNIVERSAL
k=Kunst 12: So I concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they can.


Kultur, 16:I also noticed that throughout the world there is evil in the courtroom. Yes, even the courts of law are corrupt!

System 13: And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.


Zeitgeist 19: For humans and animals both breathe the same air, and both die. So people have no real advantage over the animals. How meaningless!
Volk, 17: I said to myself, "In due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds."
Then I realized that God allows people to continue in their sinful ways so he can test them. That way, they can see for themselves that they are no better than animals.


Politik 15: Whatever exists today and whatever will exist in the future has already existed in the past. For God calls each event back in its turn.
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